Pro Tip: Activate Your Fonts Directly Within Your Adobe Creative Applications

Written by Amy Chan | April 18, 2019

One of my favorite features of Suitcase Fusion is the Extensis Font Panel. The Font Panel lets me conveniently preview, select, and activate any of my fonts directly within Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop. It is part of the powerful auto-activation plug-ins and gives me direct access to my Suitcase Fusion, system, Adobe Fonts, and Google font collections—and Suitcase TeamSync font libraries shared with me.

Watch this video or read the instructions below to learn how to install and use the Extensis Font Panel.


To use the Extensis Font Panel, first make sure your auto-activation plug-in(s) are enabled

To open the Extensis Font Panel, choose Window > Extensions > Extensis in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign.

You can move, collapse, or group the Extensis Font Panel just like you do other panels within Adobe applications.

Preview and Select Fonts

Use the drop-down menu at the top of the panel to display a subset of your Suitcase Fusion fonts: your local, TypeSync, and TeamSync libraries collected together as My Fonts; Google fonts; Adobe Fonts; or system fonts. To change the font in your document, select the text you want to change, scroll through the panel to preview your fonts, then click a font in the Font Panel to apply. When you apply a font from the Font Panel to text in your document, the font becomes activated. 

Create Font Digests

Besides the main font libraries, you can create font digests, your own groups of fonts that include only the fonts you want to see. To create a font digest: 

  • Click + at the top of the Font Panel. The panel will show a hierarchy of all your libraries, sets, and Smart Searches.
  • Check the box next to a font group to include those fonts in your digest. The pane at the bottom of the Font Panel lists all the fonts you’ve included so far as well as showing how many fonts you have selected.
  • Type a name for the font digest at the top of the Font Panel, then click Done to create your digest.

To get more tips about working with Suitcase Fusion, check out the User Guide.