Three Effective Font Risk Mitigation Strategies For Creative Teams

Written by Taylor Robertson | November 14, 2023

If you follow popular thought leadership types and/or those making a living as motivational business coaches, you likely hear some variation of, “With risk, comes reward,” “The biggest risk is not taking any risk,” or some other sort of well-intended nonsense.

But just because we’re encouraged to take risks on the daily doesn’t mean we have a proclivity for risk. While the jury has been out for some time regarding the origins of risk aversion and whether or not risk aversion is an evolutionary adaptation that’s inherent to humans, it’s safe to say that most people avoid risk rather than take it.

That’s because risk is scary, and scary doesn’t feel too great most of the time. Yet those thought leadership and business coach types with good intentions are spot on—part of being a professional is seeking risk…if only to prevent a critical error from rearing its head at the worst possible time.

We don’t want a critical error to be a part of your reality, so we identified three of the biggest risks that your fonts will face throughout their journey from napkin sketch to final deliverable, coupled with mitigation strategies that will have you both wrestling risk to the ground in no time, and sleeping better at night.